
Woolworths gone bust

WOOLTHE  retail giant Woolworths has gone into administration is the clearest sign yet that no company is immune from the stranglehold of the credit crunch. With 30,000 jobs now in peril at the High Street Store, Every High Street Store in the UK has to satisfy its customers to survive the cut-throat business that is the retail industry.


Anonymous said...

It is affecting Kuwait too! today I was at ACE hardware to buy a Weber grill .it was going for KD129. As soon as I told the salesman I will check out Sultan Center (They also carry the same brand),he made a phone call & droped the price to KD 116. Never expeted major stores to discount like a grocerry store !! It is though thses days so customers should benefit while it lasts

Hellraiser said...

I tend to agree its a connsumer driven market these days and cash is King, always have.