The king of Jordan blew through Carmel on his Harley-Davidson on Wednesday, surprising diners at Katy's Place restaurant.
'It blew the whole town away,' said Randy Bernett, a partner at Katy's, which served King Abdullah a breakfast of pancakes and mixed fruit. Abdullah and about 10 Harley riders then left for a ride down the Big Sur coast.
The king's visit was meant to be low-profile, said a Jordanian consulate official, though it's rather difficult to remain incognito in the small city of Carmel when your entourage includes a host of Secret Service agents, members of the royal guard, a California Highway Patrol escort and a lineup of black SUVs.
Bernett said Abdullah and his group arrived at the restaurant about 10:45 a.m. Wednesday. An advance team had arrived earlier to make certain that the seating arrangement was correct and to clear out the restaurant. Link
'It blew the whole town away,' said Randy Bernett, a partner at Katy's, which served King Abdullah a breakfast of pancakes and mixed fruit. Abdullah and about 10 Harley riders then left for a ride down the Big Sur coast.
The king's visit was meant to be low-profile, said a Jordanian consulate official, though it's rather difficult to remain incognito in the small city of Carmel when your entourage includes a host of Secret Service agents, members of the royal guard, a California Highway Patrol escort and a lineup of black SUVs.
Bernett said Abdullah and his group arrived at the restaurant about 10:45 a.m. Wednesday. An advance team had arrived earlier to make certain that the seating arrangement was correct and to clear out the restaurant. Link
so if i was sitting there enjoying a coffee n pancakes ide be asked to leave!
I guess they would if you are not royalty! What a bummer, I hope they refunded their meal.
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